Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Sydney Opera House celebrates 40 years

20th October 2013 was the 40th anniversary of the completion of the Sydney Opera House, one of the symbols of Australia. Since its opening in 1973, the Opera House has welcomed over 65 million people to more than 80,000 memorable events. To celebrate, an Anniversary program will run with concerts, tours, exhibitions, and cake! A true masterpiece that continues to redefine the ambitions of Australia, the Opera House is part of an incredible story, a work of architecture that belongs to the world.

Celebration website (click here)

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Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Australia and New Zealand Opportunities Day (AUNZOD) on Friday 15th November

Once again we organise a seminar about study and work possibilities in Australia and/or New Zealand.

The seminar is organised by AuNZ.Cat and the information will be provided by  Sergio from TrekYourWay and Juan from MyVisaSolutions. Juan will be "live" from New Zealand via Skype.

You can send us your questions, they will be answered by a immigration registered agent.

The seminar is free but please confirm you are coming by sending an email to aunzcat@gmail.com

When you confirm we will send you the program and details.

Place: Pau Clarís 106 Barcelona
Date: 15th November
Time: 6:00pm-7:30pm

Un altre cop organitzem una sessió sobre estudi i feina a Austràlia i/o Nova Zelanda.

Aquest seminari és organitzat per AuNZ.Cat i la informació serà proporcionada per Sergio de TrekYourWay i Juan de MyVisaSolutions. Juan estarà "en directe" des de Nova Zelanda, via Skype.

Ens podeu enviar respostes, que seran contestades per un agent migratori registrat.

El seminari és gratuït però cal confirmar assistència enviant un correu a aunzcat@gmail.com

Quan confirmeu enviarem el programa i més detalls.

Lloc: Pau Clarís 106 Barcelona
Data: 15 Novembre
Hora: 6-7:30 de la tarda

AuNZ.Cat website
AuNZ.Cat on Facebook
AuNZ.Cat on Twitter
AuNZ.Cat on Linkedin

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

English conversation groups

Sophia, a teacher and coach from Wales organises a free conversation group every Wednesday, from 6pm to 7:30pm at our office in C/Pau Claris 106. Courses are 6 weeks long.

If you are interested send an email to aunzcat@gmail.com