Sunday, 25 March 2012

Field Hockey in Castelldefels

Do you miss your [Field] Hockey and finding it difficult to find a club in Barcelona?
Castelldefels H.C. Men's Section are seeking players for next season. The club currently runs a single Men's XI playing in the Catalan League but next season will field a second, Veterans team. Thet are therefore looking for players of all ages. The club is conveniently based close to Castelldefels train station, a 25 minute journey from Barcelona. In addition to the Men's section, they have a very successful Women's section, kids teams from the age of 5 years old and up, as well as training evenings for all levels.

more in the Classifieds Section...

Sunday, 11 March 2012

English-Speaking Children's Parents' and Guardians' Association of Catalonia

Catalan schools, wheter public or independent, lack special programmes for native speakers of English. This group will work to change that.

Interesting site to visit... (click here)